
Friday, December 10, 2010


It's been a really long time since I made a post on my blog, but lately I had to do some work that resulted in me implementing a draft spec of the WebSocket protocol. I have noticed that there is a lot of talk about them due to the development of HTML5. So I sat down with the latest draft spec for the WebSocket protocol, draft-ietf-thewebsocketprotocol-03, and began implementing a solution that more completely represented the spec and was also usable.

While I wanted to implement the full spec, I did decide to leave out a few parts. I did not implement support for Framing, which at the time of writing is not possible from the WebSocket API for JavaScript. Since my implementation was intended to communicate with browsers, and the API does not have a way for JS code to tell the socket to send data Framed. Because of that, I left it out. I have also not added support for wss, encrypted connections. I will add this at a later time.

So lets get to what I did implement. The WebSocketServer class can listen on a defined IP and port. It will listen for connection attempts and Create WebSocket objects to handle each connection. So unlike a number of sources on the net, this will handle multiple connections at one time. At this time I have not set a limit to the number of them that can be open at one time. The WebSocket class handles the connection from that point on. It will perform the handshake response to the client to establish a good connection. I will then listen for data from the client and raise an event when a complete message has been received. It also provides a way to send data to the client. The code also takes care of dropped connections by cleaning up after a connection failure.

The current code can be found here.

Let me know any suggestions you may have.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Problems with learning to code through code reuse

I've come to the conclusion that while code reuse is a great thing to speed up development. It does not allow developers who are trying to learn a new skill to truly learn that skill.

An example would be that developers are continuously using String objects instead of StringBuilder objects when doing multiple concatenations and modifications. They have no idea why their code runs slow. You can't learn something if you don't take the time to understand it. So a lot of beginners do not know why StringBuilder is better than a String, or that in some cases just the opposite can be true, or what to look for on deciding which one to use. Some even have no idea on what immutable means.

There appears to be some disconnect these days with users who don't care to learn the basics. Part of this is due to the fact that you can build something with .NET so easy, and you don't have to know the inner workings. I find this very disheartening. Everyone wants short cuts but when you bypass this information your only setting yourself up for disaster.

So, with that I have a few suggestions for the individual who wants to know more about .NET. Start with the CLR and learn what it is and how your code is really compiled and what MSIL is. Learn about the Garbage Collector. Learn what the JIT compiler is. Learn what mutable and immutable types are. Understand why "for" loops are better than "foreach" loops. Know what pass by reference is.

This list is by no means complete but should be a good place to start. Enjoy and good luck.